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Animals should not suffer a life of misery.

Together we can end the exploitation of animals for profit. Your gift can help to:

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Provide watermelon treats for a rescued elephant at a partner sanctuary for a week.
Stop crocodile slaughter for luxury handbags by exposing cruel industry practices.
Shift demand from cruel elephant rides to animal-friendly travel through education.

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We need you to help STOP THE SUFFERING

Take the time to look into their eyes – if you do, you will see their suffering.

For an elephant to accept a human on their back, they must first have their instinct and spirit crushed. Baby elephants are chained, starved, beaten, and isolated while learning to submit to human control.

These elephants go on to suffer a lifetime in chains, performing and giving rides at animal entertainment venues.

Will you donate monthly to help STOP ANIMALS SUFFERING?

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Help END animal exploitation with a regular donation

We must STOP the exploitation of animals for profit, but we can’t do it without YOUR HELP.

The system is stacked against us. Animals have no voice and are given no value. To give animals better lives, we must change attitudes, laws and economies around the world. We must create a world in which animals’ lives MATTER.

We need your help to STOP ANIMALS SUFFERING.

World Animal Protection is fighting non-stop to raise awareness about animal-friendly travel, lobby the government to ban elephant rides in India, transition venues to animal-friendly experiences across Asia, rescue elephants from decades of suffering and transport them to partner sanctuaries in Asia and the US.

The systems that create animal suffering are strong – but they can be toppled with enough public, financial and legal pressure. Monthly donations are the most effective way you can help to fund the fight and end the exploitation of animals.

You can help

Give monthly to help


Support ongoing work to protect animals around the world. Your monthly gift can help to:

Provide care and enrichment for elephants rescued from cruel tourist attractions.

Stop the exploitation of bears and care for them when they can’t be returned to the wild.

Educate tourists about the suffering of elephants used for entertainment.

Look at the photos. You can SEE and FEEL their pain and misery.

Around the world and in Australia, animals are exploited for profit.

Snatched from his mum, his spirit is broken so that tourists can ride him. She is at risk of being butchered for her bones, to become an ingredient in traditional medicine to make people feel healthier or more beautiful. They are skinned or plucked alive so that humans can wear their skin and fur.

These animals are treated like something, not someone.

the Wildlife Trade

That commoditises animals for their parts.

Wild animals like lions and elephants, bears and orangutans – are hunted and either killed for their parts or captured to be used for breeding or sold as pets.

Cruel lion breeding facilities are out of control. An estimated 8,000 – 10,000 lions live in cramped, dirty breeding farms in South Africa, compared to less than 3,000 living in the wild. They suffer from deformities, diseases and starvation. And when their bodies no longer serve a purpose, many of them end their miserable lives as easy prey to be shot by trophy hunters.

Lions, bears and elephants are born to be wild. They should not be exploited for tourism, medicine, or entertainment.

Killing Animals for Fashion

And switch to kinder faux alternatives.

So many wild animals have beautiful skin and fur. But that doesn’t justify killing some of the world’s most magnificent creatures to make shoes and bags.

Crocodiles killed for fashion are electrocuted to immobilise them before slaughter. The back of their neck is cut and their brain is pierced. This brutal death helps keep their skin in the best condition. Wild birds endure ‘live plucking’ of their feathers for fascinators and dresses.

A tiny mink will suffer a lifetime in a small, barren, wire cage no bigger than a microwave oven. Her soft fur will ultimately be used for false eyelashes.

Please donate to World Animal Protection and help us advocate for a switch to faux fashion.  

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Factory Farming

And the suffering of billions of animals.

Our current food system relies on massive factory farms that treat animals as nothing but commodities. Over 700 million chickens are reared for meat each year in Australia, often with no access to natural light or fresh air. Bread to grown unnaturally large and too fast, chickens on a factory farm suffer short, miserable lives.

World Animal Protection is exposing the worst abuses of factory farming and holding industry and government to account about how our food systems operate so animals bred for food can live better lives.

We need your help to change factory farming and stop animals' suffering.

Yes, I'll help

How your money is spent graph

Where the money goes

  • 79% Campaigns and public awareness
  • 19% Fundraising
  • 2% Staff and admin

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